How to Sleep while Jetlagged

How to sleep while Jetlagged?
Are you a frequent traveler?
Traveling continuously crossing different time zones can be physically draining and can adversely affect your regular sleep cycle. Travelers who cross time zones quickly often experience jet lag. There are simple tips and tricks that can keep you from having a severe jet lag. Read on to understand the base causes of jet lag, how can it be prevented, and also the remedies to step out of the jet-lagged situation without completely compromising on the natural sleep cycle.
-What causes Jet Lag?
There are 3 key reasons that cause a person to feel jet-lagged while air traveling via different time zones.
- Effect on the Circadian Rhythms
In general, circadian rhythms refer to physical, mental, and behavioral changes that occur on a 24-hour basis. For instance, sleeping at night and waking up during the daytime is one example of a light-related circadian rhythm. Being in the airplane disrupts these rhythms and is the crucial reason for jet lag.
- The influence of sunlight
Your internal clock is strongly influenced by sunlight. The different time zones make it confusing for the body to understand the day’s hours and adjust according to the time zone making you feel sleepy.
- Air Plane’s cabin pressure and atmosphere
Jet lag symptoms are caused by changes in cabin pressure and high altitudes associated with air travel, regardless of whether the traveler crosses time zones. Moreover, the humidity levels are low in planes. This may lead to jet lag.
-How your body responds to Jetlag.
The symptoms of Jet lag differ for individuals. The following can be the symptoms:
- Interrupted Sleep Patterns can cause insomnia, early waking, or excessive sleepiness.
- Daytime fatigue
- Difficulty in concentrating or working at your standard level
- Stomach problems, constipation, or diarrhea
- A general feeling of not being well
- Constant Mood Swings
-How long can you be jetlagged?
The span of being jet-lagged depends on various factors such as distance traveled, your body's unique rhythms, and general health. Sometimes, it takes up to a week before people feel completely back to normal. If it takes more than a week, consulting the doctor is essential.
-To avoid getting Jet –Lagged, follow these 6 simple tips:
1. Drink adequate water to avoid dehydration after reaching the destination.
2. Getting outside during daylight hours can jump-start alertness and help with the functioning of the circadian rhythms.
3. Create a sleep schedule that will help you overcome sleep loss and follow that to the tee to avoid daytime sleepiness.
4. Keep your sleeping space comfortable with high-quality cotton sheets that let you sleep peacefully, Keep the bedroom with minimal clutter, and noise-free.
5. Drink a caffeinated beverage for a Balanced Focus during the Daytime and strictly avoid them during or before going to bed.
6. Include foods that help you sleep better in your dinner meal and make sure you have your meals at the correct time.
-How can you prevent jet lag?
There are ways and things you can do to have a minimal or not at all jet-lagged effect.
- Before Traveling
Minimize travel stress: Don’t wait until the last minute to pack or leave for the airport. Being in a hurry can increase stress and make your trips more difficult.
Get quality sleep: Focus on getting quality sleep for at least a few nights before your journey so that you are not already sleep-deprived at the start of the trip.
- During Flight
Stay hydrated: Drink plenty of water to restock fluids and respond to the dehydration that can occur in flight.
Limit alcohol and caffeine: Reduce intake of alcohol and caffeine on-board or you can skip them completely.
Eat Right: Reduce the risk of peptic problems by having healthy and light food.
Stand up and move: Sitting for too long can lead to blood clots and stiffness. You can reduce these risks by standing, walking, and gently stretching during the flight.
- After Arrival
Exercise: Find time for a walk or other light physical activity. Resetting your circadian rhythm will be easier if you exercise outdoors at good daylight times.
Nap with caution: Take a short nap instead of an extended one. Try to keep naps less than 30 minutes.
-Bottom Line
The jet Lag situation is common among travelers who travel frequently for different purposes. This condition can get normal taking a few days or a week’s time. Remember these 3 important things to prevent or cure your jet lag:
1. Sleep in a comfortable environment keeping it sleep-friendly and cozy with 100% cotton bedlinens.
2. Keep a tab on your food and try to consume food that helps you sleep better.
3. A little bit of exercise keeps the body in sync with energy which is helpful to boost you when feeling jet-lagged.